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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. New perch

    New perch

    Well, I guess it's not all that new really, but before the hedge was cut I didn't really see it. Then I suddenly realised the birds quite liked landing on it and it's in a good place for me to see it through my feeder window, with a slight adjustment of my seat and the hanging feeders around...
  2. Chewing the cud

    Chewing the cud

    .... well a seed actually! The snow does make for a more attractive picture than the grey shed roof, doesn't it.
  3. How to... (SF)

    How to... (SF)

    .... make a mess of a new species for the garden!! Take it sideways through the double-glazing! After my neighbours lowered the hedge by a few feet I noticed that they'd got feeders hanging from their tree. Last year was the first time I'd seen/heard any Greenfinches at all in the area, just...
  4. The sun shone

    The sun shone

    Giving me a nice blue background for the Collared Dove up in the tree. Still rather chilly, as you can tell from his fluffed up appearance, but nothing like what was to come in a few weeks.
  5. What's all this white stuff?

    What's all this white stuff?

    She does have a rather quizzical look on her face, doesn't she. Now she's got to look for the food I threw onto the shed roof, which promptly sank!! TTTW
  6. First snow of the year

    First snow of the year

    The end of the first week in January brought our first snow fall and a decent amount too, as you can see. Starlings had been rather in short supply for the previous few weeks, but they didn't forget where to get some grub when times got hard, did they!! So, guess you're in for a few snowy...
  7. Lemon in the yellow

    Lemon in the yellow

    Another accommodating bird was this Great Tit that came and settled nearby. Nice birds, aren't they (well... sometimes LOL)
  8. Fluffed up

    Fluffed up

    Hope you're not fed up with Robin pictures, but they were so showy that day and this one came pretty close too.
  9. Saw him off!!

    Saw him off!!

    There was a Great Tit and a Coal Tit either side of that feeder when I started to click. But the Coal Tit flew. Surprised I managed to catch him in the frame (identifiably) LOL.
  10. Twelfth Night

    Twelfth Night

    It had got rather dark before I decided to draw the curtains and when I looked out I saw the moon through a gap in the tree. Couldn't resist that.
  11. What a waste of time (SF)

    What a waste of time (SF)

    During that very cold period, I rather upped the feeding rate, instead of just mid morning, I'd make sure they had some at first light, their normal time around 9-10am and in the afternoon too. This particular day, it had snowed in the morning covering the tray feeder. But that was all, the...
  12. Yellow eye

    Yellow eye

    ... well an eye ring really. This becomes more pronounced as part of their breeding plumage, though I'd have thought the first week in January was a bit early? He seems to like the pink nibbles that I threw on the ground.
  13. Perhaps...


    .... he thought the coconut would be more to his taste, even with a Coal Tit supervising his antics.
  14. Rob on a feeder

    Rob on a feeder

    Another visit to Craighall. I caught this Robin feeding on a hanging feeder, they don't even do that at home, preferring the tray ones. He seems quite at home on there don't you think, so I guess he's been practising his technique while I've been absent LOL
  15. Pioneer


    Back home and a Collared Dove landed on my neighbour's roof. These are regular but occasional visitors, usually a pair visiting for a few weeks about 3 times a year. This, of course was the first visit for 2019, so possibly checking all was safe to bring his partner in.
  16. Cold feet

    Cold feet

    The first snow of the year came overnight on the 2/3 January here, but as you can see it wasn't too much fortunately. Poor Robin, but I did give him some seeds to eat and put some on top of the gate post too so he could warm his feet a little.
  17. Too much choice

    Too much choice

    That's what happens when I fill the feeders, it just confuses them LOL.
  18. What I was left with SF

    What I was left with SF

    I was trying to take a picture of one of the tits (long-tailed variety too!!) when, just as I focused and pressed the shutter button.... all I was left with was this pretty lichen. So that's my Saturday Fun entry today... at least it was in focus LOL. The tit had been perched on the lower...
  19. Winter plumage

    Winter plumage

    I love these starlings with bright spots.
  20. Upside down

    Upside down

    The acrobatics some birds do for a tasty morsel.
  21. Not so regular

    Not so regular

    Although I think the Blackbirds may always be around the feeder area, they don't always show themselves. This guy was a bit more co-operative, but only for a few seconds LOL
  22. Chilly Song Thrush

    Chilly Song Thrush

    A Song Thrush sitting on a barbed wire fence on a cold morning.
  23. Blackbird (female)

    Blackbird (female)

  24. Hopping in hope

    Hopping in hope

    The reed bunting was on the snow hoping that the goldfinches were messy eaters. And if one can be sure of anything, it is that goldfinches have the worst table manners. Their leftovers feed all the pigeons, chaffinches and now the reed bunting as well.
  25. Always around

    Always around

    You're never far from a Robin I guess. And there are a few hanging around the feeder area on this path. I like to scatter some seed on the ground for them.