Well-Known Member

I don't get the fuss about the "ignore feature", I have never used it and never will: if you don't like the posts by a certain member then don't read them, just skip them. I believe this feature is mainly used to show disagreement with or even humiliate someone: "I put you on my ignore list". Red Steve should consider whether this feature is really useful.
Regarding buying and selling binos, some people (including members of the BF) are "binoculars butterflies": they do their research, buy and try what they believe it's the best choice for them, enjoy their new binos like a kid enjoys a new toy, but after a while they find their new binos are not issue free so they sell them and.....move on to another "flower" that has better "nectar". Usually the binos that they sell are like new and they are sold at a heavily discounted price, to the benefit of other members. What's wrong with that?
Regarding buying and selling binos, some people (including members of the BF) are "binoculars butterflies": they do their research, buy and try what they believe it's the best choice for them, enjoy their new binos like a kid enjoys a new toy, but after a while they find their new binos are not issue free so they sell them and.....move on to another "flower" that has better "nectar". Usually the binos that they sell are like new and they are sold at a heavily discounted price, to the benefit of other members. What's wrong with that?
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