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January 1st joint Birdforum list (2022 edition) (3 Viewers)

Team totals as they stand, subject to any remaining duplicates or omissions not yet spotted (various lists to follow in subsequent posts):
Global: 551
Europe 198 (UK 142, rest of Europe 149)
North America 150 (USA 150)
Australia 66

And the following from individuals: East Asia 103, Africa 82, South America 18
UK to 153, rest of Europe to 150, Europe overall 205. Global total up 7 to 558.

552) Red-legged Partridge
553) Bittern
554) Woodcock
555) Jack Snipe
556) Merlin
557) Red Grouse
558) Long-eared Owl
For those not in Europe, we can presume that the 'woodcock' is the Eurasian Woodcock, and the 'Bittern' is the Eurasian Bittern. Also, is Red Grouse a species, or should it be Willow Grouse?
IOC seem to have it as Willow Ptarmigan, which will definitely confuse most of us in the UK. Corrected version of that last set of new species:

552) Red-legged Partridge
553) Eurasian Bittern
554) Eurasian Woodcock
555) Jack Snipe
556) Merlin
557) Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse)
558) Long-eared Owl
IOC seem to have it as Willow Ptarmigan, which will definitely confuse most of us in the UK. Corrected version of that last set of new species:

552) Red-legged Partridge
553) Eurasian Bittern
554) Eurasian Woodcock
555) Jack Snipe
556) Merlin
557) Willow Ptarmigan (Red Grouse)
558) Long-eared Owl
Sangster et al 2022 make the case to revert to species status for Red Grouse...
Sangster, G, J Martin Collinson, GM Kirwan, AG Knox, BJ McMahon, D Parkin, M Schweizer and J Höglund. 2022. The taxonomic status of Red Grouse. Brit. Birds. 115(1): 28–38.
Sangster et al 2022 make the case to revert to species status for Red Grouse...
Sangster, G, J Martin Collinson, GM Kirwan, AG Knox, BJ McMahon, D Parkin, M Schweizer and J Höglund. 2022. The taxonomic status of Red Grouse. Brit. Birds. 115(1): 28–38.
That would be a case of "Beam me up Scotica" ?
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