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Leofoto fluid heads (1 Viewer)


Active member
I recently bought a Leofoto 323rc tripod, which is excellent, with a Manfrotto MVH500 head.

However I have returned the Manfrotto MVH500 head after my scope fell off twice. This was due to the plate locating thumb screw coming loose. I have a Harpia 95 and thankfully it survived, but I won't risk trying another one. First time I thought it was my fault, second time proved it wasn't.
I am now looking at the leofoto BV-10 & BV-5 fluid heads.
The BV-5 looks like it should do the job (spec says it's takes 4kg) and it's much lighter than the BV-10, I'm a bit concerned that it might not deal with such a big scope.
Has anyone else had any experience of these heads?
Any advice would be appreciated!
Many thanks
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