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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Isn't it nice....

    Isn't it nice....

    .... when a Great Spotted Woodpecker gives you such a clear view of the nape so you can definitely ID it. So many of my pictures I end up searching through, blowing them up, getting the magnifying glass out, just to check whether I can see the teeniest weeniest bit of red!!! One of the pair...
  2. Sometimes it's just not fair

    Sometimes it's just not fair

    It was pouring with rain when we got to the Mause Feeders. There were some birds around stuffing their faces. We struggled on filling the feeders right to the top, getting wetter and wetter, thinking of hot coffee in the car. Eventually we were done. Sat in the car, window open, camera ready...
  3. The favourites with friends

    The favourites with friends

    Everybody loves Long-tailed Tits, so I can't resist photographing them when I catch them at the feeders. Just in case you're not sure, there's 4 and a bit of them, along with a Coal Tit and a Great Tit. Strangely we've not had them back at the Mause feeders up the hill this winter yet, even...
  4. Balance beam

    Balance beam

    This Common Pheasant seems to be getting quite brave now - I've not seen him on the top rail before, the lower one once, but he usually reaches up to it to grab any spilt seed. Really not sure how he manages to keep his balance up there LOL. Back home now, hopefully the end of hospital visits...
  5. A woodie treat

    A woodie treat

    It's not often I get two Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the picture, I think the female is a bit of a bully and he disappears as soon as he thinks she's around. If he doesn't get the message straight off she's at him and there's a bit of a chase round the trees!! They were a bit more comfortable...
  6. Cock Fighting

    Cock Fighting

    One of our Sunday day's out we decided on Balintore Glen. A little over half way along, we'd stopped to watch a load of Red Kite flying around, when suddenly Ken spotted these two cock Pheasants. The were putting up quite a fight!! Got a great view of one of them and what it looks like under...
  7. Coalie


    How strange.... I did a look back through my Gallery and I don't seem to have shown you a picture of a Coal Tit yet from the Mause Feeders. So not before time I give you this... how could I have over-looked them for so long - those feeders have now been up a year!!
  8. My tree

    My tree

    I spotted this picture on a scroll through some images last night and it so reminded me of the Sycamore Gap Tree beside Hadrian's Wall, which was vandalised by being completely chopped down one night in September. Such a shame for this iconic place. The National Trust are trying to decide what...
  9. Who's  a pretty boy then?

    Who's a pretty boy then?

    These male Common Pheasant really are so attractive when seen in their proper habitat, aren't they. This is a regular visitor to the Mause feeders, having a great time picking up what has fallen either by our clumsy hands or the habits of the birds who constantly drop seeds LOL.
  10. Not impressed

    Not impressed

    A Mute Swan was play-acting beside a couple of mates... but they don't seem to be enjoying the fun as much as he was. A rather distant view at Kinnordy in September. Saturday Fun
  11. Newly independent

    Newly independent

    Up at the Mause feeders in the middle of August, I found this juvenile European Robin. Doesn't seem too far off from showing his more adult plumage, does he. What a cutie he is.
  12. A nice reminder..

    A nice reminder..

    On the fence behind the car, so rather difficult to get at, was a sweet wee juvenile Northern Wheatear, still with a bit of a fluffy look. I thought I'd post this as a rather nice reminder of warmer summer days, which seem to be so far behind us and such a long way off into the future! It's 10...
  13. Spot the Shrike

    Spot the Shrike

    A beautiful but chilly afternoon sitting on a rock waiting ......... then it showed for a good long time, I walked away first :)
  14. The Glaikit Raven

    The Glaikit Raven

    This bird was calling loudly and staring down at the ground below and as I approached, flew towards me, over my head and back ....... twice! Raven? Huge beak and really gruff call, anyone seen this behaviour before?
  15. First for a while

    First for a while

    We got to the lochan on my patch and I found a couple of Tufted Duck enjoying themselves. It's a long time since I'd seen them there. They first bred there on my patch back in 2006. But after a few years they just seemed to stop coming.
  16. Nice deodorant this one

    Nice deodorant this one

    Wandering the country roads above Blairgowrie, I wondered what the blob was on top of a dead tree. Turned out to be a Common Starling, a juvenile changing into his winter spots. Saturday Fun
  17. Treecreeper creeping

    Treecreeper creeping

    The treecreeper has decided to return to the trees outside the window :)
  18. Angry bird

    Angry bird

    A ruckus outside caught my attention, this Mistle Thrush was shouting and having a go at and just about everything else in the garden!
  19. Young ones

    Young ones

    On our way up to the Patch towards the end of September we found a few Barn Swallows on the overhead wires. From this picture it looks like there's two ages of youngsters here... the one on the left looks far more advanced than the one on the right?
  20. Gone missing

    Gone missing

    When I pulled the curtains back one September morning, my first thought was... "what on earth has happened to the top seed tray. Took me a few minutes to spot it. Funnily enough, same thing this morning. Who is vandalising my feeding station? Anyway can you spot the missing seed tray. Saturday Fun
  21. Here today, gone tomorrow, that's me!

    Here today, gone tomorrow, that's me!

    A glance out the window and I noticed a different looking Chaffinch in the crowd!
  22. Black Guillemot off Fort George

    Black Guillemot off Fort George

    Every time I visit my mother in Ardersier, I walk around the shoreline at Fort George, weather and tides permitting, this was a cold, windy but sunny morning and two birds kept appearing near the shore, I didn't know at the time what they were, I just caught this one popping up behind a wave crest.
  23. Another farewell

    Another farewell

    This Red Squirrel had been a constant visitor for a few years at the Craighall feeders (at least I think it was the same one). Sadly this was the last time we saw him in mid July. So both the squirrels have gone and so far nothing has moved in to replace them at either feeding station.
  24. Just can't get at it!!!

    Just can't get at it!!!

    A Great Spotted Woodpecker was exploring a treehole with some determination. Guess there was something good to get at LOL Saturday fun
  25. Grey Partridge parent

    Grey Partridge parent

    The reason I was looking out the window and saw the Mistle Thrush, the partridge family came to visit