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Goa Bee eater. (2 Viewers)

Mike Ball

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Hi all.
Apologies in advance for what is probably an unanswerable question!
Anyway, way back in December 2006 I visited Goa, India for a family Holiday. I recall seeing a Bee eater perched on a utility wire at Candolim Beach. I do not have a photo and cannot remember details of appearance etc. I have read that there are 3 Bee eater species in Goa. I don't suppose there is any chance of determining which species it was most likely to be? Perhaps based on location, relative abundance etc?
Again, sorry for the poor quality question, it has been driving me mad lately. I suspect I'll never know the ID.
Probability is the widespread Little Green Bee eater, then Blue tailed followed by Bearded, from memory.
(Little) green bee-eater is the standard bee-eater you see everywhere. But - obviously - you'll never know.
I've been to Candolim three times in recent years and although as others have said, you can't be definite, I'd say that your bee-eater is 90% likely to be a green bee-eater. They are everywhere, in gardens, around housing and hotels, fields, often in groups. Blue-tailed bee-eaters are also available, but I've found they tend to be in the more open areas, such as the fields on the outskirts of town, eg on the way to the Catholic Church. They are noticably larger and nowhere near as numerous.

Two shots here. The green bee-eater was on open ground just outside our hotel (2015) and the blue-tailed was feeding on Saligao Hill, just behind the catholic church (2018).


  • Little-Green-Bee-eater,,-Candolim-(57)-fbook.jpg
    633.2 KB · Views: 10
  • Blue-tailed-Bee-eater-(18)-Saligao-Hill,-Candolim-fbook.jpg
    595.3 KB · Views: 10
Actually, while I'm at it, I also recall seeing two large birds (no binoculars) locking talons and spiralling together. I assume that could only be White-bellied sea Eagle?
Actually, while I'm at it, I also recall seeing two large birds (no binoculars) locking talons and spiralling together. I assume that could only be White-bellied sea Eagle?
Could be but other birds of prey do this fairly routinely, harriers, Brahminy kites, other Eagle species such as Spotted. Impossible to narrow it down any further I'm afraid on that basis.
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