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Opticron 8x24 Traveller BGA vs Leica Trinovid 8x20 BCA (1 Viewer)

That’s all fairly accurate and also why I tend to think of the Curio as a better choice for many, though not all. I like them a lot and they became my favored daily binocular for a brief term before being once again replaced by the little Ultravids, which are still to this day the only binocular I have multiples of, and I know of at least one other member here who has more than one pocket-sized Ultravid as well.
The Curio is a stunner for sure, the only thing I didn't like about them was that they don't hang straight and tend to bounce about on the strap and dig in your chest whereas the Zeiss pockets hang flat.

I went to my local optics dealers today with the hope of trying out some Ultravid 8x20. They had none in stock so I got thoroughly sidetracked and bought some Opticron Explorer 8x32's as they are so lightweight at 440 grams.

I was rather impressed by the optics for the price and preferred them to the significantly more expensive Nikon M7 8x30. They'll do as my hiking and one night camping bins until I get either the Curio, Zeiss or the Ultravid for more lightweight camping and hiking.
One more (maybe) question: I’ve seen that people talk about the robustness of the UV 8x20 and rank it higher than the Curio in this department. Does that mean that the Curio is fragile? As I’ll take the bino with me and also on hikes/climbs and similar activities, it’s important it’s, at least somewhat, robust.
I’ve seen that people talk about the robustness of the UV 8x20 and rank it higher than the Curio in this department. Does that mean that the Curio is fragile?
I’ve only seen mention of the focus knob but have had no problems with mine yet. Still I feel the Ultravid to be a bit more robust and it’s probably true that you’d be best off getting one of each. : )
What has been said is true.....
The Curio is a brighter and possibly better optic, they are very impressive indeed!!!.... but only in side by side testing.
The Ultra is just a superb package.... great build quality, great optics.
The Ultra is fiddly, but this comes with the tiny pocketable design, which it knocks out of the ballpark.
I sold my 8x25cl's to go back to the 8x20 Ultras and don't regret it. These 8x25's don't offer enough portability advantage over an 8x30/32 to make it worthwhile for me. They were often left at home... but the tiny 8x20's in their sunglasses soft cloth pouch are with me everytime.
I will take that awkwardness all day long for the convenience.... and if i then need better, my BN's come out to play.
The 8x20 Ultra is a binocular which never seems to pop up in the 'problems' posts.
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