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Which Spring migrants have you seen? (2 Viewers)

Crazy migration day in Northern Corsica today !
New species for the year are European Roller (2), Squacco Heron (4), Red Footed Falcon (1), Common Ringed Plover and...Great Snipe ! A lifer for me, I saw only one but apparently up to 4 individuals were in the wet meadows !

As soon as I arrived on the beach, I knew it would be a great day (despite the rain) : dozens of Northern Wheatears and Whinchats were feeding on the beach with a few Yellow Wagtails, Red Throated Pipits and...Great Reed Warblers feeding on the ground out in the open !
Common Swift yesterday and Whimbrel numbers are temporarily increasing. Still a few undeparted Redshanks about, but I'm missing what for me is the sound of the creek. 7 Yellow Wagtail this morning - numbers seem down, but hopefully the're just arrving late.
I saw Cyprus Wheatear in the garden last week for the first time this year and today, I spotted that a female, is building a nest in a cavity in a palm tree in our garden.
I saw Cyprus Wheatear in the garden last week for the first time this year and today, I spotted that a female, is building a nest in a cavity in a palm tree in our garden.
Nice Andy. Here in the Alps Cuckoo have arrived, saw one distantly early today and heard another this afternoon!
In the last week I have seen swallows and a redstart, and also heard a cuckoo.
There have been a few sightings of hoopoe in SE Sweden. Very rare.
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