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Your first bird of 2022 ... (1 Viewer)


Bah humbug
Realised this was one thread combined with last of the previous year last time, but hey, see eg below for last year -

Hoping 2022 will be better (it can only be worse), but the common and other birds and wildlife are still out there doing their thing. First bird of 2022? - predictions and what it actually was ...

If I'm up in the night I'm going for Herring Gull or Tawny Owl, otherwise Robin first thing perhaps.

And a Happy New Year!! ;-)
I’m suspecting mine will be Tawny Owl (assuming I open the back door and listen for a few minutes before turning in) but Blackbird is a decent bet.
Mine is Rainbow Lorikeet. Large numbers of them disturbed from their roosts by the midnight fireworks. Poor things. ☹️
Predicting one of the following three since these are almost always visible from the window: jackdaw, wood pigeon, magpie. That being said, I often hear carrion crows early in the morning before I see any birds if I have my windows open.
I'll try to shut them out and look for a somewhat interesting bird, but mine will almost certainly be House Sparrow or European Starling
Realised this was one thread combined with last of the previous year last time, but hey, see eg below for last year -

Hoping 2022 will be better (it can only be worse), but the common and other birds and wildlife are still out there doing their thing. First bird of 2022? - predictions and what it actually was ...

If I'm up in the night I'm going for Herring Gull or Tawny Owl, otherwise Robin first thing perhaps.

And a Happy New Year!! ;-)

It's 7 in the morning here, 'still dark, and so I haven't seen any bird yet but I was outside an hour ago and there's a singing robin in his/her usual spot in my front garden.

First bird I'll see: either robin or blackbird. 'Really could be either as the blackbirds are always in good numbers in the back garden. I'll predict robin.

Happy New Year to you Dan!
It's 7 in the morning here, 'still dark, and so I haven't seen any bird yet but I was outside an hour ago and there's a singing robin in his/her usual spot in my front garden.

First bird I'll see: either robin or blackbird. 'Really could be either as the blackbirds are always in good numbers in the back garden. I'll predict robin.

Happy New Year to you Dan!

Just been outside again, and no birds seen. The robin has moved over the road and another robin is at the end of the street, both singing, and I can hear a tawny owl in the distance.
Normally Robin but as I pulled the curtains open a Herring Gull passed over- my starter. Doing a local walk from home in west London today. See if I can get 50 species today.
I’m suspecting mine will be Tawny Owl (assuming I open the back door and listen for a few minutes before turning in) but Blackbird is a decent bet.

completely wrong - too much firework activity in addition to the celebratory champagne

As first light crept into the garden I saw a pair of Ring-necked Parakeet sitting on top of the garden feeding station. Not what I expected as they’re usually just fly overs. Next in, Long-tailed Tit which were much more in keeping.
House Sparrow, Starling, Collared Dove, Dunnock, Blue Tit (which is singing) and Specatacularly for my Garden a Goldfinch!! Great if predictable start to proceedings!!
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