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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Isn't he handsome
I reckon he was one of the stars to visit the water hole. Mind there were a few.... but he has to be up there somewhere LOL.

He sometimes came with his girlfriend, so you'll no doubt get to see a picture of a female too at some point.
Dry rainforest
Taromeo Dist Forest, Queensland
Date taken
5 October 2019
Scientific name
Sericulus chrysocephalus
Equipment used
Fuji Finepix HS50 Sports Mode Continuous
a splendid photo of this attractive bird with those unbelievable yellow colours, top quality work Delia, many tfs!!!
Oh my! Handsome doesn't even cover it D.

Such a beautiful image of this Bowerbird and I love the color patterning on it.
Opus Editor
Stunning bird and a fabulous shot, Delia ... awesome work ... tfs ...

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
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delia todd
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