I’m really hoping that someday Nikon will improve the HG. Better focuser, screw out eyecups and perhaps even better optics. Would gladly pay the extra money for that. Maybe that’s why they’re moving HG production to China. One can only hope.
And yes I’ve owned EDGs. The noticeable lack of brightness is a deal killer for me as I do quite a bit of low light viewing.
You're describing EDG here, it's all there's ever going to be from Nikon I suspect. The brightness thing is curious to me - have not noticed that at all.
In fact I finally lost willpower and bought new 8x42 EDG to go with my 7x42

and I could not discern any difference in brightness between it and my 8x42 SF which pretty much rule the 42mm world in terms of brightness. I wonder if coatings changed at some point, or if it's a color difference, or if my eyes can't see the difference.
For me the EDG are the perfect binoculars except for one thing, and that is the prism spikes on the Moon and lights at night. You can have the perfect binos with the spikes, or pay another $1500 to get rid of them. And some of those have it too....8x32 SF for example. What's happened to me is that the EDG have replaced the 8x42 SF's for daytime birding with the SF relegated to astronomy duty at night only.
The EDG are just so much better on eye placement and blackout issues during the day, as soon as they got here the SF were DOA for birding. SF's have annoying purple fringe around the edge of field that EDG do not as well. EDG are the ultimate for eliminating false color, another big step up from MHG. If you observe snow-covered lands in the sun you will be seeing purple all day in the 8x42 SF's.
For me the MIC has nothing to do with the quality of products, it's purely ideological, I'm voting with my dollars. No need to delve further into it, suffice it to say, it has nothing to do with the quality of the end product.