Eye placement in the SF 8X32 was a nuisance after my EL SV 10x42, until I realized that I was sticking them too deeply into my eye sockets, and going inside the exit pupil.
Not sure this will help you,but it made a big difference to me.
I've berated the SF's all over this forum, but determined to keep a copy of at least one format in my wardrobe of binoculars, I kept my 8x32's, which I find to be the most agreeable of the four, in terms of 'fit' for me, and viewing comfort, even if, with my glasses, eye relief was a smidge too short and those eyecups skated all over the rims of my glasses. They were still compromised in use, for me.
BUT, I'm in a transition period of several weeks, following cataract surgery in my left eye, and more comfortable in everyday life without glasses, than with. So, I've been rummaging in my wardrobe for those binoculars which I own which garner little love from me when I use them with glasses, and have to say that my 8x32 SF's have been a revelation. They appear to be a perfect fit, ease of use and ease of view is far better than just acceptable, and I've now (finally) bonded with them completely. I really am thoroughly enjoying them and they are currently my most used binoculars.
So, for me, SF's work far better without glasses, than with. I'm now wondering if the 10x42's will be an equally good fit for me without glasses. Might need to find out...
OT, but the other glass which for me stands out as being infinitely more enjoyable without glasses than with, is my 8x42 Noctivid. It could (now) just be my absolute favourite of all.
I'm now doubly delighted to have had cataract surgery, it's allowed me to discover my binoculars in a new light (no pun relating to my shiny new eye intended!).