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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Media added by Mark Bruce

Latest comments

  • spotted redshank
    A wonderful portrait of this contemplative Spotted Redshank, JJ, and that's a beautiful refection too!
  • 1adk.jpg
    What a splendid portrait of this sweet Dunnock, Sue & Simon! Lovely lighting and background and a great pose too.
  • Cormorant
    A very successful composition, Kits, and that's great pose you've caught!
  • Little Stint
    A superb portrait of the Little Stint, Donald! I like the way one of its feet is raised, ready to move forward.
  • Green Woodpecker
    Eye half shut in this lovely Green Woodpecker image, Donald!
  • Goldfinch 9749.jpg
    Super perch in this beautiful Goldfinch portrait, Mali!
  • Cormorant 7642.jpg
    Super Cormorant flight capture, Mali!
  • Bearded Tit 9804.jpg
    A lovely female Bearded Tit portrait, Mali!
  • Black-headed Gull
    Thank you all very much indeed for taking the time to post these very generous comments on this Black-headed Gull flight capture! Thanks to you, I now have a much better understanding of why I like this image.
  • Pale Beak, or...Carrot Beak SF
    Brilliant Capture Its A Juvenile Thats Why Its Got A Pale Bill Cornelis, Well Done Tfs!!!!!!!!!
    All The Best
    Sue & Simon,
    Sue and Simon, thanks for your reply!
    I just wondered what that pale colour on the bill would be, I also thought maybe a juvenile Oystercatcher. But zooming in...


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Common Gull

Common Gull

  • 0
  • 16


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  • 21
Brown-eared Bulbul

Brown-eared Bulbul

  • 0
  • 21
Yellow Albatross

Yellow Albatross

  • 0
  • 13
Long-tailed Sibias

Long-tailed Sibias

  • 0
  • 26
Light-vented Bulbul

Light-vented Bulbul

  • 0
  • 24
Paper Kite

Paper Kite

  • 0
  • 19
Orange Tiger - open

Orange Tiger - open

  • 0
  • 17
Yellow Bittern

Yellow Bittern

  • 0
  • 30
Whiskered Treeswift

Whiskered Treeswift

  • 0
  • 20
Spangled Drongo

Spangled Drongo

  • 0
  • 17