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Category:Vireonidae - BirdForum Opus

Family: Vireonidae


Vireos and allies


Vireonidae is a family in the Order Passeriformes.

Family Vireonidae viewedit

Genus Pteruthius viewedit
P. rufiventer Black-headed Shrike-Babbler
P. flaviscapis Pied Shrike-Babbler
P. aeralatus White-browed Shrike-Babbler
P. xanthochlorus Green Shrike-Babbler
P. melanotis Black-eared Shrike-Babbler
P. aenobarbus Trilling Shrike-Babbler
P. intermedius Clicking Shrike-Babbler

Genus Erpornis viewedit
E. zantholeuca White-bellied Erpornis

Genus Cyclarhis viewedit
C. gujanensis Rufous-browed Peppershrike
C. nigrirostris Black-billed Peppershrike

Genus Hylophilus viewedit
H. amaurocephalus Gray-eyed Greenlet
H. poicilotis Rufous-crowned Greenlet
H. olivaceus Olivaceous Greenlet
H. pectoralis Ashy-headed Greenlet
H. flavipes Scrub Greenlet
H. semicinereus Gray-chested Greenlet
H. brunneiceps Brown-headed Greenlet
H. thoracicus Lemon-chested Greenlet

Genus Vireolanius viewedit
V. melitophrys Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo
V. pulchellus Green Shrike-Vireo
V. eximius Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo
V. leucotis Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo

Genus Tunchiornis viewedit
T. ochraceiceps Tawny-crowned Greenlet

Genus Pachysylvia viewedit
P. decurtatus Lesser Greenlet
P. hypoxanthus Dusky-capped Greenlet
P. muscicapinus Buff-cheeked Greenlet
P. aurantiifrons Golden-fronted Greenlet
P. semibrunneus Rufous-naped Greenlet

Genus Vireo viewedit
V. hypochryseus Golden Vireo
V. osburni Blue Mountain Vireo
V. brevipennis Slaty Vireo
V. atricapilla Black-capped Vireo
V. nelsoni Dwarf Vireo
V. griseus White-eyed Vireo
V. crassirostris Thick-billed Vireo
V. pallens Mangrove Vireo
V. bairdi Cozumel Vireo
V. caribaeus San Andres Vireo
V. modestus Jamaican Vireo
V. gundlachii Cuban Vireo
V. latimeri Puerto Rican Vireo
V. nanus Flat-billed Vireo
V. bellii Bell's Vireo
V. vicinior Gray Vireo
V. huttoni Hutton's Vireo
V. flavifrons Yellow-throated Vireo
V. carmioli Yellow-winged Vireo
V. masteri Choco Vireo
V. cassinii Cassin's Vireo
V. solitarius Blue-headed Vireo
V. plumbeus Plumbeous Vireo
V. sclateri Tepui Vireo
V. philadelphicus Philadelphia Vireo
V. gilvus Warbling Vireo
V. leucophrys Brown-capped Vireo
V. olivaceus Red-eyed Vireo
V. gracilirostris Noronha Vireo
V. flavoviridis Yellow-green Vireo
V. altiloquus Black-whiskered Vireo
V. magister Yucatan Vireo


This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
